
Hi :o)

I'm Felipe Santos Andrade, I have 20 years old and I am graduating in Computer Engineering (7th period) in an brazilian university called UnicenP.

I'm the project starter and who wrote all project source code until now. Also created and published this website.

But I want someday divide this page with many other people, don't you want to contribute?

Free software are always needing your help in any aspect and they don't exists without the community.

Also, I just want to say thanks to these guys whose believed in project and helped me someway:

  • Fernando Simões, Eng. (from ITA)
  • Gabriela ;o)
  • Gustavo Alberto Giménez Lugo, Prof. Dr. (teachs distribuited computing classes at CEFET/UTF-PR)
  • Olisses Dalprá Baggio, Eng. (from ITA), the guy who works with me and don't tell to my boss (Fernando Simões) that i'm using my paid hours to work in free projects, huhu
  • Ricardo Santos Andrade, Eng. (from PUC-PR), my brother
  • Ronald Chen (from Canada), for contributing with patches and to help improving LipeRMI robustness
licensed under LGPL © copyleft 2006 - felipe santos andrade